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Posted By Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner | December 14 2023 | Bicycle Accidents

Florida Bike Lanes & Right of Way Laws

In most situations, bicycles are considered vehicles in the state of Florida. Bicyclists usually have the same rights and responsibilities as other motorists under state law, with the exception of on certain highways and interstates. However, we do want to review laws pertaining specifically to bike lanes and the right of way for bicyclists. Florida…

Posted By Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner | December 1 2023 | Dog Bites, Florida News

New Florida Law Lifts Dog Breed Bans

On October 1, 2023, House Bill 941 went into effect in Florida and prohibited any governmental public housing authorities in the state from banning dogs based on their breed, size, or weight. This law changed the ability of local governments to implement bans on specific dog breeds. Predictably, there are mixed feelings about this law…