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Seminole Personal Injury Lawyers

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Florida’s civil system protects people who are suffering from accident injuries covered by insurance policies and negligent parties. However, insurers also have rights under this system, meaning that they will not pay more than what they believe is legal. However, they do not always get their facts right, which is why Seminole personal injury lawyers are helpful.

The legal team at Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner has over six decades of combined experience that we put behind every client case. We will take the time to explain your legal rights, offer viable options, and work to meet your objectives. Get in touch with us today for more information during a Free Consultation at (727) 321-HELP.

Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner Represents Personal Injury Matters

Personal injury law addresses legal issues related to bodily harm or loss of life due to negligence or recklessness. It gives injury victims and liable parties legal rights when an accident occurs, thereby affecting every accident. These laws are complex and intricate, which could leave you with more questions than answers about getting fair compensation after filing a claim.

The Seminole personal injury lawyers at Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner have experience representing the following types of cases:

By filing a claim or civil action, you can hold liable parties accountable under Florida personal injury law. If your injuries exceed the personal injury protection (PIP) threshold and negligence plays a role, Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner can help you pursue the other party’s insurer. This strategy allows you to recover physically, avoid legal mistakes, and have a tough negotiator working on your behalf.

Our Seminole Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

Personal injuries can change a person’s life in an instant by adding medical bills, losing time at work, and enduring the pain and suffering of your losses. You do not have to settle for an unlawful insurance settlement. The Seminole personal injury lawyers at Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner want to help.

If you hire our Seminole personal injury lawyers, our legal team will:

  • Conduct a comprehensive accident investigation
  • Prove negligence if this element was a factor
  • Preserve physical evidence that speaks to the facts
  • Demand a full and fair settlement
  • Go to civil court if you choose to do so

We will go the extra mile to ensure that you get the service you expect and the outcome you deserve. We also handle cases on a contingency fee basis. Instead of paying a traditional retainer, we do not get paid for our time and resources unless you win your personal injury case.

Find Out More During a Free Consultation

You are not responsible for the financial and physical damages caused by another party or that should be covered by your PIP policy. Our legal team will help you determine your legal options and execute your chosen strategy. Call the Seminole personal injury lawyers at Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner for a Free Consultation at (727) 321-HELP or online.

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