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St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision Lawyer

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If you are in a car accident in which a person behind you strikes your vehicle, you may suffer serious injuries and losses that could impact your health and well-being for years to come. Hiring a St. Petersburg rear-end collision lawyer is a critical step in protecting your rights to any compensation owed to you. Our St. Petersburg car accident lawyer at Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner is available to help you hold the at-fault party responsible. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your free case consultation.

Common Causes of a Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision can happen suddenly and unexpectedly as you wait for a light to change or pull into a parking space. When it occurs, it is often due to one of several factors:

  • Tailgating: in which the driver behind you was traveling too closely to you
  • Distractions: such as the driver using a phone or otherwise not paying attention to the roadway, can result in distracted driving accidents in St. Petersburg
  • Vehicle failures: including the brakes failing
  • Road conditions: especially if it is very slick or windy at the time of the accident
  • Speeding: including when the driver behind you tries to stop in time but fails to have enough room to do so

Rear-end collisions are not uncommon, but they are often mistaken for being simple and straightforward cases. Often, they do not produce visible injuries initially, but they can lead to complicated concerns over time. If you were hurt in such an accident, it is critical to seek the help of a rear-end collision lawyer in St. Petersburg for the guidance you need.

Common Injuries in Serious Rear-End Collisions

When a rear-end accident occurs, the impact and force from one vehicle striking the other can cause significant injury to the alignment of the spinal cord, the function of the muscles and ligaments in the body, and muscles and other soft tissues. Some of the most common injuries our St. Petersburg rear-end collision lawyers typically see include:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash occurs when the head moves from front to back rapidly, causing the ligaments and tendons in the neck to stretch. This can cause significant pain, especially as it worsens over time.
  • Concussions: that same back-and-forth movement can cause the brain itself to slam into the front and back of the skull, leading to damage to it. This can lead to the onset of serious concussions and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Broken bones: From the arms and legs to ribs, it is possible to break one or more bones when you are struck from behind, especially if your body strikes the steering wheel or dashboard.
  • Back injuries: It is not uncommon for back injuries to occur when misalignment of the spinal column causes herniated discs or, in some cases, nerve damage. Just the right strike can lead to paralysis.
  • Head injuries: These injuries happen in rear-end collisions when the head strikes the windshield, steering wheel, or other surfaces and may contribute to serious trauma and cognitive concerns.

Any situation involving a rear-end collision requires careful attention from your medical provider, even if you feel okay right after the accident. From there, turn to a St. Petersburg rear-end accident attorney to guide you on how you should proceed.

Contact Our St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision Lawyers Today

At Salter, Healy, Rivera & Heptner, our legal team is right by your side to help you navigate your rights in this case. Turn to our St. Petersburg rear-end collision lawyer for guidance on your rights. Call (727) 321-HELP to schedule a free consultation today.

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